Ioana Moga, Feng Shui Shop

Ioana Moga is a Feng Shui consultant who started selling her services by blogging about her passion in her spare time. Although she had 17 years of experience in marketing, having managed the marketing department of a large company, she struggled to get client conversions on her own. After attending Smart Online Sales Bootcamp™ and 10x Sales Bootcamp™ she positioned herself in the marketplace, got her first sale and transformed her passion into a business.

During the initial months, Ioana struggled to get any clients. She got lots of comments on her blog and questions on social media but no clients. Because this was her passion, she focused on what she thought was most important instead of focusing on getting the sales.

Ioana had to shift her perspective from what she thought was best for the client, to the clients’ needs and wants.

"Even if in the first part of the bootcamp with Ozana we were talking about the client's journey and how to focus on the client’s needs and problems, I was still focusing on information, on giving information on what I thought was relevant."

Ioana was also held back by her confidence in her marketing skills. With 17 years of marketing experience she did not fully take Ozana’s advice at first.

I think my ego said: I knew this information, now it’s more clear to me, thank you very much Ozana, I’m going to try it out by myself.

Despite her experience in marketing and the shift in her mindset, Ioana still struggled to get results. Something was not right in her sales funnel. During a brief conversation, Ozana detected the mistakes in Ioana’s first sales funnel and provided her with the solutions on how to fix them. It was a 15-minute fix and Ioana finally started getting clients from a Facebook ad.

"The two mistakes I was making: I was either putting too much information (so I couldn't deliver a proper customer journey) or asking for the sale upfront (and people didn’t have any steps in-between to get to trust and respect me)."

The decision to attend Ozana’s events was starting to pay off. Once she had a system to generate business ongoing, Ioana decided to take her business to the next level. Ozana’s 10x Sales Bootcamp™ gave Ioana the necessary system so she could successfully deliver sales presentations through workshops.

Even though she had delivered many presentations as part of her job, Ioana understood from Ozana how to deliver value to her audience through stage presentations and workshops. This led to clients signing up to her program after each of her workshops.

It was a very strong experience, both at personal and professional level because this newly acquired knowledge also helps me with my corporate job.”

Ioana learned from Ozana how to:


  • Focus on the clients’ needs and wants and find a balance between the content provided and the sales funnel. She became a true expert, sharing her knowledge and generating sales at the same time
  • Build a sales funnel that converts.  Her funnels deliver what her clients are looking for and generate sales for her business
  • Deliver stage presentations to increase sales and build brand awareness
  • Combine the sales funnel and stage presentations for maximum results, as she understood that some people prefer to interact online, some live, and some need both to make a purchase decision
  • Create a system that delivers sales with predictability (which in turn gives her peace of mind, clarity of her perspectives and flexibility in her approach)

The most important lesson Ioana learned during the entire process is that you need someone from outside to guide you and that you need a system to follow before you start doing things on your own.

"One important takeaway from this process is that when you start your business you just pick a good mentor and follow her/ his recipe. Afterwards, when you start being successful, you can innovate, change and try other options."

Annually, Ioana is now earning around €30,000  in her spare time from her passion. She continues to attend Ozana’s events to update herself with the latest strategies that she implements immediately in order to improve her results both in her Feng Shui business and in her corporate job.

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