Smart Business System™
In my experience, which includes being responsible for increasing the profits of 100 companies over the past three years – in some cases doubling and even tripling profits – I’ve noticed that most people running a small business or working alone, face 7 main challenges to increasing sales.
Many believe their lack of further success is due to legislation, taxation, red tape, banks not lending or the government not helping small businesses, but the truth is there are 7 challenges that are within your control to overcome, which makes all the difference.
It is important to understand these challenges, to identify which ones you are facing and then to use the very best system to overcome your specific challenges.
Because I also faced these challenges, specifically when I was struggling to sell with Tooliers , I have developed the Smarter Business System™, which is our battle-tested solution for achieving objectives faster.
My team and I have been using this system on a daily basis. Initially, we kept it for ourselves and for a select group of clients. Now, we share it freely with fellow entrepreneurs, experts and driven professionals who want more.
It is my pleasure to invite you to my online or live Master Classes in which I detail the system and its components.
Join me wherever it is convenient for you. Select from the events listed here whatever best suits you and your needs. Some events are free and some require an investment.
Below I share more about the 7 challenges that block the growth of most businesses as well as the sub-system I have developed to overcome each challenge.

Challenge #1
Small business owners want to sell more and have a stable, solid income. Increasing the sales involves having a saleable product or service, a sales system and a way to feed this system with potential leads. Because there are various potential issues that need to be addressed before a business really takes off and grows exponentially, the cash flow of most entrepreneurs is often like a rollercoaster (sometimes up, more often down).
Too many meetings end up being a waste of time. Networking may be okay for social reasons, but few people buy from those they meet at events. A potential client suddenly goes cold... and whatever we do, it seems that people are simply no longer interested in buying.
oday, people don’t buy the way they used to.
Due to the technology developments and the internet, the way people buy has changed. Which means that if you want to sell more, you also need to change your approach.
You need to adapt your business to the current reality. This is having the 21st Century Business Approach, the 21st Century Business Marketing Methods, and the 21st Century Business Essentials (this is not about the essentials in your business, which I am sure you have, but about the essentials that your business needs to give to you, its owner), because business as usual, as in the past, is no longer an option.
The key words here are Customer’s Journey, a term that many experts talk about, but which is not understood and leveraged as it should be. This is about you building a number of pre-programmed interactions with your potential clients, so you take them from “I don’t know you” to buying from you and even recommending you to others.
In most cases, such a ‘journey’ doesn’t happen naturally. You need to engineer it, so your potential clients take the right steps (depending on where they are in relation to wanting your type of product or service) towards you and only you.
In order to build the road for such a journey, you need the 21st Century Business MAP.

Deploying this system is the way to not only stay in business long term, but to thrive and generate increasing cash flow.
We are talking about combining online with offline activities, about talking to the potential client more but mainly in an automated or semi-automated manner, so you really leverage what you have and know so you achieve smarter profits faster.
I discuss this new approach and how to position your company, product or service and how to build your Customers’ Journeys during the Smart Business Accelerator™, strategic workshop over two days.
If you want to be in full control of your business; if you are fed up with trying various approaches which waste your money and time only to bring stress and frustration; and if you are committed now to investing to transform and scale your business, to maximize your profits and increase your impact so you achieve YOUR objectives, then I’m here to support you!
I invite you to join me for my next workshop where we will plan your Smarter Business.
Challenge #2
Before they started working with us, our clients were doing various activities, trying to sell to as many people as possible, but only getting a few clients.
I often see entrepreneurs busily developing a new product, serving existing clients, trying to source extra help, doing the admin tasks and even taking the trash out. They are constantly busy, feeling overwhelmed by how much they have to do... but what progress do they actually make?
For these entrepreneurs, I have developed the Smart Online Sales Upgrader™, to enable you to get more and better clients fast. Because generating business online can be done on auto or semi-auto pilot and when the system is deployed correctly, you have more time to do what you really love.
See in the illustration below how you can deploy this method to build your own system, to generate business online and have a constant and predictable cash flow.

Under our guidance, participants in our Smart Online Sales Bootcamp™ achieve in two days what they have struggled to do on their own for years!
This method works because it has been tested on more than 400 entrepreneurs in most industries, ranging from professional services (consultants, coaches, experts) to manufacturing and retail.
The secret here is CLARITY. And to get the clarity you need to go through a series of questions and, of course, answer them systematically, on paper.
Challenge #3
The majority of small businesses want more traffic in their store (online or offline) or visiting their website. Traffic is expensive, though, and they can’t afford to waste resources on promotional activities that don’t lead to sales.
We’ve figured that Facebook is the best platform right now to get traffic. It works for all businesses, but only when deployed correctly. If you are wondering if Facebook Ads are for you (i.e. investing in promotion on Facebook), join my next online Master Class on this subject.
We have developed the 7-Step Smart Business Facebook Ads System which we’ll present during this Master Class. Simply register, attend, take notes and implement.
We tested and tested... invested $100,000+ in our own campaigns and helped 300+ clients run profitable ads campaigns.

Challenge #4
Many people running their own show, be it a one-man venture or an established business, need to sell but don’t know how. The truth is that selling is a skill you can learn.
What’s interesting is that most of our clients don’t want to even consider taking sales courses. Because, just as they don’t like others trying to sell to them, they know their potential clients don’t want to hear from another pushy sales person.
Besides, we set up our businesses based on our passion, because we want to help others and change the world, and we don’t want to sound like second- hand car salesmen!
Many of my clients find themselves in a catch 22: they know their product or service is excellent but clients only realize and appreciate the value once they’ve experienced the product. Unable to clearly explain this amazing value to their potential clients, they have to constantly decrease their price just to make a sale.
The solution is the 21st Century Sales Formula™, which is about helping your potential clients in advance so you show them, before asking for the sale, that you are the right person to help them.
The secret is to do it in such a way that you create interest for your product or service so you don’t even have to “sell” for a sale to happen.
Imagine your best clients coming to you and begging you to sell to them!
Join my next Master Class on How to Accelerate Your Sales to discover how easy this is. And yes, this is exactly what I do – I create interest and earn the trust of potential clients (like you) by offering real help in my Master Classes without any sales talk.
The more value you create in your marketplace, the more offers you can make. And of course, the more offers you make, the more sales you can achieve.

Challenge #5
Most people in business have invested money, time and a lot of efforts in promotion, but the results are far from satisfying. This is because many tactics have been used in isolation without a strategy to back them up.
If you feel you have this challenge, then I highly encourage you to discover my Ads into Profit Blueprint™, where you can get answers to your burning questions about advertising, and more importantly, where you can ask more questions to help you get the RIGHT answers. Yes, it is only when you ask yourself the right questions that you can get helpful answers, so you can really get a good return on their promo budget.
Access Ads into Profits Master Class to get the right answers to the right questions.
Most entrepreneurs gain business in the traditional way. What you’ll understand is how to expand beyond what you do well and break through the current sales figure, by adding other products, services, actions.
Challenge #6
Most people in business have a lot to do and not enough time to do it! They wish the working day had 48 hours so they could hold more meetings with potential clients and show their product to more people; to ultimately increase their sales and profits.
Well, there is a way for you to have 50 to 500 sales conversations in an hour or so. If you’re asking yourself how this is possible, the 10x Events System™ is for you.
Instead of giving away valuable information about your product or service during a sales conversation, share it in an educational or fun context, when your potential clients WANT to hear you talk about your offering.
The benefit of selling at events is that it is the most efficient way to sell while getting your potential clients to love you for the experience and information you provide.
What do I mean by ‘events’? It could be a workshop, a webinar, a series of online videos, a sampling/testing or networking event, even a fashion show.
As you become closer to being an important player in your niche, you need to consider selling from the stage/ via events. This is not just for experts and trainers. Our clients who have introduced events in their marketing and selling activities include fashion, car repair, consultants, kids development, agricultural equipment, even doctors.
Of course, we are not talking about just any event! There is a way to hold events of the highest quality, which I share with you in the 10x Events System™.
Challenge #7
Whether an established business or a newcomer, we all want to make more money. For some, money is a means to living the desired lifestyle, and for others, it’s a means to show they’ve achieved a lot and gained the appreciation and respect they deserve.
The challenges are that due to daily activities, and fires that need to be put out, entrepreneurs forget about their destination and most often behave as if lost in a dark forest.
In addition, in a world with so many people trying to sell so much it is difficult to grab your clients’ attention. In a world where it is hard to get the right employees, and where communication is so important... it is not easy to ‘construct’ the right messages that attract the right people. You need to formulate your messages, with a view to ensuring that they are short and to the point, but most importantly, that they get to the heart of your potential clients. Such communication depends on the clarity you have about yourself and your business, and the connection between the two.
This is YOUR job!
No external consultants can come up with your key messages because they have to represent you. And the good news is that when you work on identifying such messages, you’ll reconnect with your business and fall in love with it all over again.
The outcome is the right foundation for your communication, and you’ll really become unstoppable and truly fulfilled when you answer the 7 WHY-based questions shown in the illustration below.

Big companies spent tens of thousands of dollars to identify their key messages. We’ve created a process to help you distill your key messages without spending an arm and a leg.
Would you like to overcome any of these challenges?
Then I invite you to join my Smart Business Accelerator™ to discover how to build your Smarter Business, your business anchored in the current reality, and adapted to your current needs, aligned to your heart, so you feel in control and get to your destination faster.
Let’s spend two days together, and you will
- Evaluate your growth opportunities to unleash the full potential of your business
- Eliminate time wasters, so you really focus on what is most important for you
Leave this workshop with clarity, ways to upgrade your business and a plan of action so you achieve your objectives faster.