10 Reasons Why You Are Not Selling More
If you are in business and your sales are not at the level you deserve and desire, it means you are potentially making mistakes when you attempt to attract clients, customers, visitors to your website, an audience to your trainings, patients to your practice, or whatever you call the people who pay you for your product or service.
It also means your process of generating leads and converting them into cash might have some shortcomings.
See, most people who offer valuable products or services don’t know how to market and sell themselves.
On the flip side, most people who sell a lot don’t offer high quality products or services…
… which is really frustrating if you are like me and know you provide amazing value for money to your clients.
As I was really stressed and annoyed with this situation, I searched for the solution…
And I found it ... or better said: i found THEM, because there is no single solution.
So here you have a list of Potential Reasons Why You Are Not Selling as You Should
#1. You are not addressing your clients’ needs when you attempt to grab their attention
Grab the blueprint now and start using this online marketing system

We are bombarded with messages. There is so much noise out there; so many people trying to sell to us all sorts of things. So we shut down and we learn to ignore marketing and selling messages.
What’s the solution for YOU, someone who wants and deserves to have your messages heard?
Content marketing.
How to deploy content marketing?
Follow these simple steps:
- Identify your prospects’ needs or problems
- Acknowledge these problems
- Talk about them and their impact on your prospects’ lives
- Offer solutions, be helpful to your prospects
- Get the lead by building your sales funnel
Download the Sales Funnel Blueprint to enable you to build your sales funnel and grab your potentials’ attention.
#2. You are trying to sell too soon, when they are not yet ready to buy yet
Think about it. Have you ever been in the situation where you were thinking of buying something, still not sure, and you got an annoying sales person trying to rush you into making a decision?
Feels uncomfortable, right?
Even worse: if you generate a lead who is a great potential client but doesn’t want to buy right now, and you make a sales offer anyway, they disappear. A hot lead wasted because you rushed into the offer.
What’s the solution?
Content marketing.
How to take content marketing even further?
Follow these simple steps:
- Understand where in the buying process your potential is
- Provide value for them, based on where they are
- Provide them with “bait”, which shows you when they have moved up in the buying journey, without you having to ask them
- Offer your product or service only when they have shown you, based on their behavior, that they are ready to buy
- Build such interactions to take place automatically, as part of your sales funnel
Download the Sales Funnel Blueprint so you build your sales funnel and sell to people who are ready to buy.
#3. You are wasting time on cold calling
Today people buy from those they trust and respect. If there is no relationship, no trust, no respect, there is no sale.
Grab the blueprint now and start using this online marketing system

How do you build relationships, trust and respect with strangers, without wasting time?
Well, it can all be done automatically, so you don’t need to waste any time; all you need to invest is the time to build your sales funnel.
When you have your sales funnel in place, you provide a lot of value to your potentials, create plenty of interactions, and make them feel they’ve known you for ages…
One of the roles of the sales funnel is to warm up your prospects, to get them closer to wanting the type of product / service you sell, and closer to YOU, the seller.
When you have an effective sales funnel in place, you only talk to those prospects who are ready to buy.
The beauty of this: as you provided value to them during their buying journey, YOU will be their favorite choice…
… and sometimes, their only choice.
Download the Sales Funnel Blueprint to build your sales funnel and automatically build a relationship with your prospects so they choose you when they are ready to buy.
#4. You are not building enough interactions with your potentials
Research shows that it takes on average 16 touches these days for someone to want to buy from a seller. And that 70% of the buyers’ journey is done by them independently, without us, the sellers, knowing about it.
This means that if you don’t have enough touch points, if you are not part of the buyer’s journey, they are most likely not going to buy from you.
Most small businesses stop at 5 interactions and then conclude the potential is not interested.
You’ve got to be close to your potentials even when they are not yet ready to buy the type of product or service you offer…
How to provide so many interactions?
Via your sales funnel.
Yep, when you build your effective sales funnel you will see an increased number of people seeking your product or service, even though they did not appear to be interested before.
Which means you don’t need to invest any extra time in talking to your potentials while they consume your content and get closer to you.
Download the Sales Funnel Blueprint so you build your sales funnel and stay close to your prospects at every step of their buying journey.
#5. You want everyone to buy from you
When you want to attract everybody, your message is too broad and instead everyone feels excluded from your message. It is easier to find reasons why this is NOT for them than to find reasons to click and invest time in checking it out.
What is the solution?
Narrow down your target. Be extremely specific about the people you want to attract.
Understand this category of people well and talk only to them.
For example, if I said: “Entrepreneurs, small business owners, professional services providers, CEOs, directors of companies, business leaders… I would like to help you grow your business, I would like to help you put an end to decreasing revenues, I would like to save your business from bankruptcy…”
How would you feel about that?

From my point of view, you fall into most of the target categories I outlined above.
From your point of view, you may consider yourself in one or two of them – or none.
And when you read the second bit of my message, you say, “This is not for me” – you clearly can’t fall into all the categories, as they are mutually exclusive.
If you are a trainer, for example, you might not even want me to help you grow your business… or save your business... All you want is to get more people into the training room. So even though the trainer owns a company, is an entrepreneur, is a business leader and director or CEO of the company, they might not see themselves as such. Trainers see themselves as… trainers! So I need to be very specific when I address them.
Now, what is YOUR target?
Download the Persona Blueprint so you address the right customer for your business.
#6. Your offer is not clear
When your offer is not crystal clear, your potentials don’t understand what you can do for them, and they will not listen to you.
They will simply walk AWAY…
Most people in business, especially if they are not in sales, find it difficult to articulate what they do and how they provide value to their customers, which is why they don’t generate business.
For potential clients, it’s easier to switch off when something is not clear to them, than to try understand what the seller means.
In order to improve the clarity of your offer, you need to try, test and adjust. You need to get feedback from your potential clients regarding the clarity of your message.
To test, simply tell them what you do and what that means for them, and then ask them to repeat how you can help them.
You will be surprised by how difficult they will find this!
Join my next Online Masterclass on Leverage the Internet to Drive Big Sales to understand how to obtain the right information from clients, so you get more of your ideal clients.
#7. You’ve got your packaging all wrong
If you sell products, are you sure you have mentioned all the benefits on the box? Are you sure you used the right image on the box? Did you know that a picture of a woman, smiling while looking at the buyer, can generate significantly more interest in that product?
If you sell services, have you packaged them so that people see a well-defined product that produces results?
For example, if you sell coaching services, you need to package 3 (or 5 or 10) sessions into a program that delivers the result your clients expect, rather than selling one coaching hour. Because no one wants to buy “coaching”. Everyone wants results.
Join my next Online Masterclass on Leverage the Internet to Drive Big Sales to understand how to package your product, and much more.
#8. You are not charging enough!
Yep, when you sell too cheaply, prospects may develop a negative perception of the value you offer.
On the other hand, if you don’t clearly and explicitly show the value before asking for money, you won’t sell either. Most sellers decrease their prices just to make the sale, which is the wrong thing to do.
Think about it…
Why do people pay $10,000 for a Rolex?
Do they really need to pay that much to know the time?
It is all about the value they get from buying the Rolex.
Rolex has successfully turned itself into a status brand. People buy a Rolex to show off, to demonstrate that they can afford to pay $10,000 for a watch.
As a coach, consultant, trainer, speaker, author, solo-entrepreneur, or small business owner, you don’t have the luxury of investing millions of dollars to build a brand like this.
Instead, you need to build the value your customer gets before you even disclose the price for your product or service.
“Price is a concern in the absence of value.“
Gary Cox
Join my next Online Masterclass on Leverage the Internet to Drive Big Sales, so you discover how to increase your fees.
#9. You provide too much value WITHOUT asking for the sale
Yep, it’s possible that if you are a consultant, coach, trainer, speaker, author or any other professional service provider, you are giving too much and not asking for the sale…
.… which leads your prospects to believe they can get a lot out of you for free.
So they keep trying…
… and when they can’t get anything else out of you, they buy from someone else.
Join my next Online Masterclass on Leverage the Internet to Drive Big Sales, so you discover how to ask for the sale in the most appropriate manner.
#10. You are not perceived as the expert in your field, even though you are
These days, people want to buy from experts. They are sick and tired of buying products or services that turn out to be disappointing or worthless.
If you are a professional, you obviously base your services on your expertise.
In fact, you are THE expert…
… it’s just that your clients need to know this!
When they don’t realize it, they buy from others who may know less than you, but who position themselves as the experts.
If you sell products, let’s use this example…
Suits! When did you last buy a suit?
Would you rather go out and try on all kinds of suits that don’t look good, or would you prefer the shop assistant to immediately hand you the suit that is best fitted for you?
The most successful suit sellers assess you and immediately pick out the best suit for you… because they are the experts. This is how they sell so much more than other shop assistants.
As you have read this far, you are clearly keen to embark on your business transformation journey and use the latest strategies to increase your sales.
You are clearly committed to growing your business…
… which is why I would like to invite you to my next Online Masterclass on
Leverage the Internet to Drive Big Sales
… in which I dive deep into details...
Because now is YOUR time to make an impact on the world…
Join my session, and I will show you how.
If you got this much value from a simple article, imagine how much more you will get during a 90-minute session with me…
Join now and be sure you show up, as my Master Class fill up quickly.